Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Dogs

It's hard to get decent pictures of the dogs, mainly because Molière tends to move just as the camera shutter goes off and Tillie, being a black dog, tends to blend in with the background in my feebly lit flat decorated in mostly dark colors. Tonight, though, I think I managed a couple that didn't completely suck.

Tillie, who has claimed her rightful spot on the coveted Cuddle Pod, and is modeling her new cupcake dress. (Yes, I put my dogs in clothes. They seem to like it, though occasionally Molière isn't in the mood for dress-up, in which case he doesn't get dressed up.)

Molière with his favorite moocow toy, propped up on his favorite pillow (which is actually an old t-shirt of mine with the holes sewn shut and some stuffing rammed in). He was in a dress-up mood tonight, so he's wearing his new cup-of-cocoa hoodie, in the hope that the weather will take the hint and actually become cocoa-friendly sometime soon.

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